Policies & Procedures
Visitors Policy
Parents must make an appointment if they wish to speak to you or visit their child’s classroom. If mutually agreed upon, parents may visit/observe their child in his/her classroom to assess their child’s academic participation or social interaction.
Upon the parent’s arrival, visitors will need to present a photo ID at the security desk. They will be given a pass and be directed to the main office. At the close of any parent visit or meeting, parents should proceed to the main exit.
Parties should be kept to 20 minutes at the end of the day so as not to detract from the priority of classroom instruction.
Grades 3K-2 birthday parties should be kept simple. Food items that parents and care givers bring to school, such as cupcakes and/or juice pouches, will be taken up to the participating classroom by 2:00 p.m. that afternoon.
No outside visitors will be permitted to visit the classroom for a birthday party.
Uniform Policy
As per Chancellor’s Regulation A665, uniforms are intended to promote a more effective learning environment, eliminate label competition, simplify dressing and minimize the cost to parents, teach children appropriate dress and decorum in their “work place,” and help to improve student discipline.
The school uniform is:
Navy blue pants/skirts, light blue collared shirt/blouse, navy blue sweater, sweat pants and/or zip sweat shirts.
Sneakers must be worn on gym days.
Flip- Flop sandals are not permitted.
Hats and/or hoods are not to be worn during the school day.
To promote uniform school policy, students who wear colored sweaters, denim jackets, or hooded sweaters must remove them and hang them in the closet.
When the student is absent, the parent must provide a note explaining the absence. Parents should leave their children in school all day. Appointments should be scheduled outside school hours and on school holidays, whenever possible. If a child needs to be dismissed early, he/she should bring a note to his/her teacher stating time and reason. Parents must sign the child out in the school office. Please note that one of the criteria for promotion to the next grade is 90% attendance.
If your child is late, please send a note or bring him/her to the office. Late arrival will prevent a student from receiving a perfect attendance award.
Emergency Contact
All parents are required to fill out a home contact form. You must provide us with at least three telephone numbers where we can contact someone in case of illness or an emergency. Please inform us if you get a new telephone number or need to add or delete a number or contact on this form. It is important for you to know that we can only release your child to the people listed in the emergency contact form. If you move during the school term, it is important that you notify the school of your new address as well.
Any student that is not picked up will be escorted to the main entrance. If you pick up your child, please be on time. Children not picked up on time will be escorted to the main office, where we will do our best to contact someone listed on the emergency home contact card. In case of an emergency and we cannot contact any person on the emergency contact card, children will be brought to the 75th Precinct. We sincerely hope this never happens. Please make sure we have all working telephone numbers on file. Please notify the school immediately if your contact numbers change during the school year.
Grading Policy
Grading Overview
Student Engagement with Standards |
Student Progression Towards Standards |
Student Mastery of Standards Based Tests |
Grading Scale
Percentage (%) Range |
Level |
0-64 |
1 - Below Standards |
65-79 |
2 - Approaching Standards |
80-89 |
3 - Meets Standards |
90-100 |
4 - Above Standards |