Dual Language Program
Our Mission
The Dual Language Program aims to foster bilingualism, biliteracy, and enhanced awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity, while providing students with high levels of academic achievement through instruction in two languages.
Our Two-Way Immersion Dual Language Program
Our program is based upon research showing that students are capable of learning in two languages at once, and actually excel under these conditions.
*It is “Two-Way” Dual Language because there is a balance of native English speakers and native Spanish speakers in a class.
*It is called "immersion" because beginning in kindergarten; students are completely immersed in English for half the day and in Spanish for half the day. This is known as a 50/50 simultaneous literacy model.
During the Spanish instruction, all teaching and learning happens only in Spanish, and during English instruction only in English.
For students who are English-dominant, the program will provide enrichment by producing bilingualism and biliteracy without subtracting anything from the regular curriculum.